Where and how to share your Feather link

Monday, December 28, 2020
Shori Hijikata

You’ve created your Feather profile and have an event or your online content up and running – congrats! Now what? 

It’s time to drive your audience to your content. As a reminder, Feather is not a marketplace like Airbnb Experiences or Udemy, which allows us to keep costs low and pass on those savings to you. Instead, we leverage the audience that content creators and instructors have already built, either online or offline. 

This means that you should have an audience ready and excited about your online events or content! It may not be a large following to start but, oftentimes, we’ve seen that quality is better than quantity. And, of course, we hope that by partnering with Feather to provide online content, you will be able to provide more value to your audience, which in turn will support the growth of your following and personal brand. 

So now that you’ve created your content on Feather, the next step is to share your profile with your audience and drive customers.

A few social media platforms that you might already use, or consider using, with some tips:

  1. Instagram 

The bio link is a great place to start on Instagram, but we know that it can be hard to capture someone’s attention with only one link. If you are in the fortunate position of having over 10K followers, we recommend creating a story about your upcoming event or your online content, then using the “Swipe up” function to link people directly to that specific Feather page, so people can join or purchase access with limited friction. If you aren’t yet at 10K followers, we still recommend using a similar technique with a story or a photo to highlight specific events or courses, and letting people know that the link is in your bio. The easier it is to find your content, the easier it will be to secure sign-ups from your followers!

  1. Facebook

Facebook can be leveraged in different ways, depending on how you use the platform to start. If you have a Facebook group with your audience, an easy share is to either post your Feather profile link in the group page with an overview of the event and/or on-demand content, or post the link to specific content if you want to highlight specific offerings. Likewise, you can share in a Facebook messenger group if you have one, or if you’d like to share your content with all your friends, you can always share in your general status! 

  1. YouTube

If you are sharing free content on YouTube, it’s a great way to drive more traffic to your paid content. With any video, you’ll be able to share links in the description; you can also share links in the “About” section of your YouTube profile. Don’t forget to include a specific call out to your links in the video so people will know to look for them and click through. 

  1. Twitter

An easy way to share your Feather content on Twitter is to share your Feather link directly in your Twitter profile, so it’s the first thing people see when they land on your page. You are able to share two links in your profile: one in your bio, and another one in the "website" line. When you put a hyperlink in your bio, it will take up some space, but it's clickable, so people can go to your website directly from people search results. You can share your full Feather profile link or your link to specific events or uploaded content. And of course, you can also share links in Tweets – we particularly recommend this to draw attention to specific offerings! 

  1. TikTok

You may or may not be trying out the newest platform on the block. If you are, similar to Instagram, TikTok will let you share one link in your profile, so we suggest sharing your Feather link there. You can also separately drive people towards your Instagram profile, where you can share your Feather profile. And to gain traction on TikTok, you’ll need to post consistent and creative content – for the best traction on the platform, we recommend your videos fall into the categories of of educational, funny, or viral. 

That’s all for now! We hope this helps you drive your audience towards your events and on-demand content on Feather. Reach out if you have any questions! 

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